The conservation of the fresh bouquet. You should keep the bouquet in the refrigerator, with moistened kitchen paper wrapping the stems, but never put in water.
Packaging. Once the order is placed, you need to prepare the fresh bouquet packaging. We kindly ask you to put the bouquet in a box with the receipt of the order printed inside, to avoid damage to the flowers we recommend that you fill in the free gaps with newspaper. This will prevent the bouquet from moving and the flowers from being damaged during transport.
The cutting of the bouquet. Upon receiving the bouquet in our workshop, we take photographs that, once dehydrated, will allow us to faithfully recompose it. Later we proceed to its dehydration, having cleaned up and eliminated previously deteriorated stems, leaves and petals.
The dehydration process. Once sanitized, we go on to the dehydration process that we carry out in our workshop using a completely artisanal technique that will be specific, in times and temperatures, for each type of flower.
Final assembly of the bouquet. Once dehydrated, we proceed to assemble the bouquet in the chosen presentation, painting or bouquet, for which we will use the photographs taken when receiving the bouquet.
Packing and shipping. Once assembled, we will proceed to packing the bouquet in specific boxes for painting or bouquet. In both cases, the bouquet will be protected so that it is not damaged in transport. The transport company will collect the packaged bouquet in our workshop and send it to you at the delivery address indicated on the order receipt.

The table presentation consists of capturing the shape of the bouquet in a raised perspective in such a way that it reflects the fresh bouquet in the bride's hand.
The composition is made on a sheet of raw color and of high grammage that allows to later choose any type of frame and paspartous.

The bouquet presentation, in case you do not plan to hang our bouquet adorning any wall, is a very creative option. Once the flowers have been treated, the bouquet is made up again and presented in a beautiful glass container, which you can use as is or find the flowerpot that you like best and put it inside. You can use it as a centerpiece or decorating any shelf, in a place always in sight because it will bring you great memories.
If you are interested, it is convenient to contact Cordobán Cuadros to fix the details of your order..
The amount of the product includes:
Pick up at address indicated by the client.
Conservation of the bouquet, treatment and assembly in sheet or bouquet.
Custom framing with molding in different forms of finishes.
Suitable packaging for transport.
Delivery of the finished bouquet to the address provided by the client.
Different finishes of the molding used to frame the bouquet, Box molding of 6 ctms. high by 3 cm wide respectively.